Montgomery Memorial United Methodist Church
You Matter to God
You Matter to Us
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Need Prayer? We’ll Pray For You!
Need prayer? We would love to pray for you. You can send us a message for prayer.
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Our teachers
Our volunteers
Our ministries
Our Team
Aaron Green
Senior Pastors
Vanessa Simpson
Adam Smith
Lora Jenkins
Community Leader
Join Our Bible Study Group!
We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday gatherings to study bible together.
join our group
Our Mission
Help the Poor
Upstream seeks out people that are impacting the world around them but lack the necessities to further their work.
Save Animals
Whenever you feel low and depressed, come and volunteer for our charity programs. You will find peace at work!
Serve the World
Education is an integral part of people’s lives and therefore, is an imprescriptible part of our Church and community.